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Special Meeting of the Board Approved Resolutions 7 June 2005

The meeting was called to order by Vinton Cerf at 2:46 PM, Pacific Daylight Time.

Approval of Minutes for the 3 May 2005 Special Meeting of the Board

At the beginning of the Board Meeting the following resolution was introduced by Vint Cerf and was seconded by Michael Palage. An amendment was offered regarding director’s expenses by Alejandro Pisanty and the Board voted on the following resolution:

Resolved (05.__), the minutes of the meeting of the Board on 3 May 2005, are hereby approved and adopted by the Board as altered during the Board Meeting.

The board approved the following resolution unanimously by a vote of 14-0. Raimundo Beca was not present during the vote. These minutes have been posted on the ICANN Website at the following link: http://www.icann.org/minutes/minutes-03may05.htm

[Please note that at the end of the meeting additional minutes were also approved for the 1 June 2005 Special Meeting of the Board.]

.NET Successor Registry Process

The balance of the meeting was spent in broad discussion continued from the 1June 2005 Board Meeting. All of the Board Members, Liaisons and Staff participated in the discussion. The discussion surrounded the .NET registry successor process, the adequacy of the RFP, the independent review conducted by Telcordia, the input of the other .NET applicants, community input and suggestions for contractual provisions, the terms of the current .NET Registry Agreement, and the terms of the newly negotiated .Net Registry Agreement with VeriSign. Following this discussion, Hagen Hultzsch moved and Thomas Niles seconded, a request for a vote on the following resolution:

Whereas, the May 2001 .NET Registry Agreement between VeriSign, Inc., and ICANN will expire on 30 June 2005;

Whereas, in resolution 04.18, the Board authorized the President to take steps to initiate the process as specified in Section 5.2 of the .NET Registry Agreement for designating a successor operator for the .net registry, including referrals and requests for advice to the GNSO and other relevant committees and organizations as appropriate.

Whereas, in resolutions 04.45 and 04.46, the Board adopted an open and transparent procedure for designating a successor operator for .NET registry, and authorized the President to initiate the process, including working with the GNSO to finalize the .NET successor registry criteria.

Whereas, a detailed request for proposals, including a statement of criteria for assessing the proposals, was developed and, after public comment, and comments and questions from prospective bidders, finalized and posted on the ICANN web site.

Whereas, in response to the RFP, five organizations submitted proposals.

Whereas, numerous public comments concerning the applications were received electronically through ICANN's public comment forums and were posted.

Whereas, an independent evaluation of the proposals was prepared by Telcordia Technologies, Inc.

Whereas, comments from the applicants and the public on the independent evaluation was invited, received, and posted.

Whereas, ICANN has successfully completed the negotiation of a new .NET Registry Agreement with VeriSign, the top-ranked applicant, based upon the previously posted form of agreement.

Whereas, the Board has reviewed the applications, the evaluation report, and the various the comments and other materials received;

Resolved (05.34) that the Board selects the proposal of VeriSign, Inc. to continue its operation of the .NET registry, approves the proposed agreement with VeriSign, and authorizes the President to take such actions as appropriate to implement the agreement.

The Board approved this resolution by a vote of 8-4 with three abstentions.

Affirmative votes were cast by Vint Cerf, Mouhamet Diop, Hagen Hultzsch, Veni Markovski, Thomas Niles, Hualin Qian, Njeri Rionge and Paul Twomey. Negative votes were cast by Raimundo Beca, Alejandro Pisanty, Vanda Scartezini, and Peter Dengate Thrush. The following Board Members abstained from voting: Demi Getschko, Joichi Ito and Michael Palage. All of the Board Members were present for the vote.

Approval of Minutes for the 1 June 2005 Special Meeting of the Board

The resolution and the minutes were introduced by Vint Cerf. Raimundo Beca offered comments on suggested changes. A resolution was offered to approve the minutes with some of the additional language offered by Raimundo Beca. Alejandro Pisanty moved, and Hagen Hultzsch seconded a request for a vote on the following resolution:

Resolved (05.__), the minutes of the meeting of the Board on 1 June 2005, are hereby approved and adopted by the Board as altered during the Board Meeting.

The board approved the following resolution unanimously by a vote of 14-1, with a negative vote recorded for Raimundo Beca. These minutes have been posted on the ICANN Website at the following link: http://www.icann.org/minutes/minutes-01jun05.htm

Other Business -- .MOBI and Strategic Plan were continued until the next board meeting. The Secretary was requested to arrange for another meeting in approximately two weeks time to consider these and other matters.

The Meeting was adjourned at 4:09 PM, Pacific Daylight Time.