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Participation and network issues for Delhi meeting

12 فبراير 2008
بقلم Kieren McCarthy

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  • English

As many of the remote participants have noticed, we have been having network problems at the ICANN meeting in Delhi, which is impacting remote participation.

As soon as the technicians have sorted out the problem, we will come back with an explanation and update this post with details.


[This has come from the technical staff to explain the issues there have been over the past few days]

We have been faced with many challenges here.

The week before the meeting there were a total of five undersea fibre cuts in the Asia Pacific region. Because of this, a lot of the traffic of the region has been aggregated and is all traveling through the remaining fibre paths (all at capacity at the moment). As the fibres are replaced, it will certainly impact the region (in a positive way!) but unlike when your computer crashes at home, deploying the “tech support” to a cut undersea fibre can take up to a week to arrive at the destination.

We’ve run into some hurdles with the local transit as well in the way of trying to get them to sort out our AS number and properly announce (and transit) our traffic.

We have also had a challenge with stable power in the hotel. There have been a number of power outages (either partial or full) and blown circuits. Some of these have directly impacted the ability to feed power to the routers we are using to egress the hotel. Though we have UPS (uninterruptible power supplies), we’ve found a number of them have been mis-wired ore plugged into the hotel UPS, which can cause a “blowback” and cut the power.

Although service has not been stable, the team that is here locally has done an amazing job of adapting to each new challenge and providing a solution in the most timely fashion that they were able to.

We apologize for any inconvenience and assure you we are doing everything within our power to try to keep the services running so that the meetings can be effective. It should also be noted that the local staff have provided incredible support dealing with multiple challenges.


Kieren McCarthy