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Latin America and the Caribbean Move Forward with their Strategic Plan

20 مارس 2013

هذا المحتوى متوفر فقط باللغة (أو اللغات)

After several months of intensive work marked by an open and constructive dialog between the regional members from different countries and stakeholder groups, the LAC Strategy Working Group has completed a first draft of the Latin American and Caribbean Strategic Plan.

When reading the draft, it is possible that most members of the region may see many concerns, ideas, proposals, projects and goals reflected in this draft which have already been discussed within their organizations for quite some time. We hope that this is the case. But, beyond what may be useful to each member individually, I wish to share a glimpse of the collective benefit. The region’s cooperation potential is enormous.

We always say to each other how well we have been working towards a single, interoperable Internet in our region. This document features areas with opportunities and also reflects the serious challenges facing us ahead. We stand before a historical opportunity to set a milestone in the Latin American and Caribbean Internet development. Let us do whatever is in our reach to contribute in strengthening Internet’s critical infrastructure in our region. Let us take our region to the next level.

Personally, I am very satisfied with the work done by the members of the working group. I am inspired by the spirit of cooperation and openness with which the group has been working. I sincerely appreciate the time, enthusiasm, knowledge and talent of all those who have contributed to the creation of this strategic plan draft.

We have made great progress but we still have a long way to go. Submitting the Strategic Plan draft to community consultation is actually the most important part of the journey ahead. It is crucial for everyone to contribute. Although the working group was carefully created to ensure a broad geographical and stakeholder group representation, it would not have been possible to complete the work without everyone’s participation.

To learn more about the document and participate in the consultation, click the link provided below. Thank you very much!



Rodrigo De La Parra

Rodrigo De La Parra

VP, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director - Latin America & Caribbean