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ICANN57 Hyderabad – Global Domains Division Session Highlights

20 أكتوبر 2016
بقلم Akram Atallah

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ICANN57 kicks off in just two weeks. The Global Domains Division (GDD) has a packed schedule of more than 30 sessions to help keep you informed of the latest developments in our work. Between general interest lectures and technical workshop sessions, there's at least one GDD session every day of the meeting.

Shortly after the Opening Ceremony on Saturday, 5 November, members of community working groups and experts will provide an update on New gTLD Program Reviews. Reviews are currently underway in a number of areas, including competition, consumer trust and consumer choice (CCT), root server stability and rights protection. After an afternoon coffee break, we'll take a closer look at the CCT review. A detailed briefing session will explore results from a series of studies that will inform the review team's work in preparation for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures.

On Monday, 7 November, we'll provide an overview of the gTLD Marketplace Health Index, a new initiative launched this year. In the afternoon, a session on Registry Service Provider Certification will explore how such a certification program could look, as well as its potential benefits.

Technical sessions include a number of workshops on Universal Acceptance and Internationalized Domain Names. Together these initiatives are aimed at helping the next billion users come online. In a session on Registration Data Access Protocol Implementation, contracted parties are invited to learn about the specifics of what must be implemented and provide feedback. And those interested in root system operations should attend the Root Stability Study Workshop, where researchers will discuss their findings thus far and solicit feedback on methodology and data sources.

There are also sessions related to the GDD that you might find of interest. Members of ICANN's technical team will discuss plans to change the keys to the Domain Name System. Internet service providers, enterprise network operators and others who have enabled DNSSEC validation are encouraged to attend this session.

Check out the ICANN57 schedule to view all of our sessions and download the ICANN57 app from your app store. We hope to see you at as many as you can attend, either in person or via remote participation. If you will be in Hyderabad, don't forget to stop by the GDD Information Booth where we can help answer general and account-specific questions.

See you at ICANN57!


Akram Atallah

السابق President, Global Domains Division