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ASO Community Considering Global IANA to RIR IPv6 Address Allocation Policy

16 سبتمبر 2004

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  • English

Through the Regional Internet number Registry public policy forums, the ASO community is considering global policy proposals that will govern how IANA allocates IPv6 address blocks to the RIRs. Proposals are being introduced in all of the RIR communities and are currently being discussed through RIR mailing lists. ICANN encourages all who are interested in IPv6 policy to join these discussions and participate in the RIR public meetings where this issue has been added to the agenda.

APNIC Region

A policy discussion took place prior to and during the recent APNIC meeting, resulting in the passing of a policy proposal regarding the allocation of IPv6 address space from the IANA to the RIRs. This policy was introduced through the Special Interest Group on Resource Management Policy (sig-policy). An archive of the mailing list for that group can be found through the links at http://mailman.apnic.net/mailman/listinfo/sig-policy.

The specific proposal (prop-005-v003) can be viewed in its current form through the links at http://www.apnic.net/docs/policy/proposals/prop-005-v004.html. The APNIC community is currently in a 'last call for comments' on this proposal until November 12th. If there are no substantial objections, it will be presented to the Executive Council for approval at the first teleconference of the EC following this date.

RIPE Region

A policy discussion took place prior to and during the recent RIPE meeting, resulting in an agreement to continue working towards a policy proposal regarding the allocation of IPv6 address space from the IANA to the RIRs. This policy was introduced through the Address Policy Working Group (address-policy-wg). The archive and information for joining the mailing list and viewing the archives can be found at http://www.ripe.net/ripe/wg/address-policy/index.html#mailinglist.

No specific proposal was adopted, and the latest version of the proposal in the RIPE region can be viewed at http://www.ripe.net/ripe/draft-documents/ipv6.html. The RIPE community will continue their consideration of this policy on the mailing lists.

ARIN Region

A policy discussion is currently taking place in the ARIN region prior to the ARIN XIV public meeting scheduled for 20-21 October. Information on the upcoming meeting can be found at http://www.arin.net/ARIN-XIV/index.html.

This policy has been submitted following ARIN policy proposal guidelines. The archive and information for joining ARIN's Public Policy Mailing List (ppml) can be found through the links at http://www.arin.net/mailing_lists/index.html. The proposal can be found at Policy Proposal 2004-8.


A policy discussion is currently taking place in the LACNIC region prior to the LACNIC VII meeting scheduled for 26-29 October. Information on the upcoming meeting can be found at http://lacnic.net/en/lacnicVII.html.

Information for joining the Politicas (policies) mailing list and viewing the archives can be found at http://lacnic.net/sp/index.html. No specific policy has been proposed at this time.

Global IPv6 mailing list

The proposals may also be discussed on the global IPv6 mailing list. This list allows interested parties in all regions to share their concerns and suggestions regarding IPv6 policy. Information on the global IPv6 list can be found through the links at http://mailman.apnic.net/mailman/listinfo/global-v6.