
  • English

Regular Meeting of the Board Minutes 28 June 2002


A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) was held on Friday, 28 June 2002 at the Bucharest Grand Marriott Hotel, in Bucharest, Romania.

The following Directors of the Corporation were present: Vint Cerf (chairman), Amadeu Abril i Abril, Robert Blokzijl, Ivan Moura Campos, Lyman Chapin, Jonathan Cohen, Frank Fitzsimmons, Masanobu Katoh, Hans Kraaijenbrink, Sang-Hyon Kyong, M. Stuart Lynn, Andy Mueller-Maguhn, Jun Murai, Alejandro Pisanty, Nii Quaynor, Helmut Schink, and Linda S. Wilson.

Also present at the meeting were Louis Touton, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of ICANN and Andrew McLaughlin, Chief Financial Officer of ICANN. The meeting was open to the public.

The Chairman, Vint Cerf, called the meeting to order at 05:34 UTC (8:34 am local time), following a Public Forum session on Whois issues.

Reconsideration Requests

Mr. Kraaijenbrink, chair of the Reconsideration Committee, reported on the Reconsideration Committee's action on requests RC 02-2 (Russell Smith) and RC 02-3 (Tony So). Both were submitted to the Board on 17 June 2002.

Mr. Kraaijenbrink first briefed the Board on RC 02-2, which was received from Russell Smith on 1 February 2002. The request concerns VeriSign Global Registry Services' handling of requests for transfers of sponsorship of registrations between registrars. Mr. Kraaijenbrink noted that the recommendation of the Reconsideration Committee was to take no action on the request. He moved, with Mr. Katoh's second, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

Resolved [02.71] that the Reconsideration Committee's Recommendation RC 02-2 is adopted for the reasons stated in that recommendation. The Board notes that a DNSO task force is currently involved in bottom-up development of improved policies concerning registration transfers between registrars; proposals for such improvements should be directed to the task force.

The resolution was adopted by a 16-0-1 vote, with Mr. Mueller-Maguhn abstaining.

Mr. Kraaijenbrink then briefed the Board on RC 02-3, which was submitted by Tony So. Mr. Kraaijenbrink noted that the recommendation of the Reconsideration Committee was to take no action on the request. Mr. Kraaijenbrink noted that unintentional deletions of domain names as presented by this reconsideration request arise frequently and there has been a recent proposal to establish a Redemption Grace Period policy to remedy the situation.

Mr. Kraaijenbrink moved, with Dr. Pisanty's second, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

Resolved [02.72] that the Reconsideration Committee's Recommendation RC 02-3 is adopted for the reasons stated in that recommendation.

The resolution was adopted by a 17-0-0 vote.

MoU for .mw ccTLD

Dr. Lynn moved, with Dr. Quaynor's second, that the Board adopt the following resolutions regarding the authorization of a Memorandum of Understanding with the ccTLD operator for .mw (Malawi):

Whereas, negotiators for Malawi Sustainable Development Network Programme (Malawi SDNP), and ICANN have reached agreement, subject to the ICANN Board's approval, on the terms of an ICANN-ccTLD Manager Memorandum of Understanding for the .mw top-level domain according to the model memorandum of understanding for bilateral situations as posted on the ICANN web site, with insertion of particulars appropriate to the .mw top-level domain;

Whereas, the President and General Counsel have presented the ICANN-ccTLD Manager Memorandum of Understanding to the Board and recommended that the Board authorize its entry as negotiated;

Resolved [02.73] that the President is authorized to enter on behalf of ICANN the ICANN-ccTLD Manager Memorandum of Understanding for .mw as presented to the Board, along with any minor corrections or adjustments as appropriate;

Resolved [02.74] that, upon signature of the memorandum, the President is authorized to take such actions as appropriate to implement it.

The resolutions were adopted by a 17-0-0 vote.

Evolution and Reform

The Board next discussed the proposal of the Evolution and Reform Committee for adoption of a Blueprint for significant reform of ICANN's structures and processed. At the beginning of the discussion, Dr. Pisanty moved, with Mr. Kraaijenbrink's second, that the Board adopt the following resolutions:

[1] Whereas, Stuart Lynn's "President's Report: The Case for Reform," thoughtfully laid out the need for constructive change in ICANN structure and processes, and initiated a very productive dialog throughout the ICANN community;

[2] Whereas, the Board accepted the President's Report as a timely and important call to action, and then established a Board Evolution and Reform Committee (ERC) to manage the process of receiving and evaluating community input on these and related issues;

[3] Whereas, the ERC has since undertaken an intense process of outreach, consultation and analysis of suggestions from throughout the community on how ICANN's structure and processes can be reformed to improve its effectiveness while preserving its essential character as an open and transparent non-governmental policy development body;

[4] Whereas, the ERC established various mechanisms for receipt of input from the ICANN community and the global public interested in these issues, received and considered a very large number of comments and suggestions related to these issues, and periodically published Working Papers on ICANN Mission and Core Values, ICANN Structure and the Nominating Committee Concept, and the ICANN Policy Development Process, along with other documents identifying possible alternative solutions to the identified issues and seeking further community input on increasingly specific and detailed proposals for reform;

[5] Whereas, the ERC most recently published its Blueprint for Reform, summarizing its work to date and making specific recommendations for Board action that would create a roadmap for moving forward in the reform process;

[6] Whereas, the ERC Blueprint offers specific recommendations with respect to a statement of ICANN's Mission and Core Values, its organization and structure, the composition and selection of its Board, improvements in ICANN's policy development process, various measures to improve accountability of ICANN's structures and procedures, and the need for funding adequate to carry out ICANN's mission;

[7] Whereas, the public participation of the audience and Board members in the open forum of the ICANN Board that took place during its meeting in Bucharest, Romania, on 27 June 2002, provided additional input and feedback on the proposals contained in the Blueprint;

[8] Whereas, it is now time to move forward with implementation with confidence that while the Blueprint may not satisfy everyone, it provides the right foundation on which ICANN can build for the future;

[9] Therefore, it is resolved that the Board adopts and endorses the ERC Blueprint for Reform, and the broad outlines of ICANN structural and procedural reform that it contains;

[10] Further resolved that the ERC is directed to oversee further detailed implementation and transition work based on the Blueprint for Reform, with the continued involvement and participation of the ICANN community, to report to the Board at its next telephonic meeting as to its progress and schedule, and to provide its implementation recommendations to the Board and the community sufficiently prior to the Shanghai meeting so that the Board can take action at that meeting;

[11]Further resolved that the President is directed to provide all appropriate assistance and resources to the ERC and any transition teams or mechanisms that it creates to assist it in the transition process;

[12] Further resolved that the Board takes note of the importance to the community, as expressed throughout this reform process and in the Public Forum discussion at the Bucharest meeting, of the following issues, and instructs the ERC to take due account of these issues as it moves forward in the implementation process, namely, the need to:

  • [121a] emphasize geographic and cultural diversity, which have been key core values of ICANN since its inception, and remain so today, as expressed in the ERC Blueprint for Reform;
  • [12b] consider the creation of an At Large Advisory Committee as a potential vehicle for informed participation in ICANN by the broad user community;
  • [12c] ensure that the composition and operation of the Nominating Committee in fact represents a balance among all segments of the ICANN community;
  • [12d] collaborate with critical infrastructure providers and the technical community to further the establishment of effective working relationships; and
  • [12e] ensure that ICANN's policy development processes enhance and promote the bottom-up policy development process.

[13] Further resolved that any further opportunities for strengthening ICANN's capacity to fulfill its mission that develop or are identified during the implementation process should be carefully reviewed and utilized as appropriate;

[14] Further resolved that the Board takes note of all the many different viewpoints that have characterized a very constructive dialog since the President issued his Report, and extends its deep appreciation to all the many members of the ICANN community that cared enough about ICANN to participate in an extraordinarily thoughtful and serious undertaking. The Board notes with deep gratitude all the countless hours of volunteer time selflessly devoted to this process.

Mr. Mueller-Maguhn moved to amend clause [12a] above by adding "in all parts of ICANN structure" after "cultural diversity". Dr. Schink seconded. Dr. Kyong proposed to amend the amendment by replacing the word "emphasize" at the beginning of clause [12a] with the phrase "devise and incorporate specific measures to ensure, to the extent feasible,". This amendment to the amendment was accepted. Mr. Chapin and Dr. Pisanty expressed concern that the amendment would dilute the strength of the Blueprint's endorsement of cultural and geographic diversity. A vote was then taken, and the amendment passed 16-1-0, with Mr. Chapin opposed.

Mr. Mueller-Maguhn moved, with Dr. Schink's second, to amend clause [21c] to read: "ensure that the composition and operation of the Nominating Committee in fact represents a balance of interest between the ICANN community and those being affected by its policies". Mr. Kraaijenbring proposed that the amendment be revised to retain the original text of clause [12c] , with one exception: the word "ICANN" should be replaced by "Internet". This suggestion was accepted as a friendly amendment of the amendment. A vote was taken on the amendment as revised, and it passed 16-0-1, with Dr. Pisanty abstaining.

Mr. Mueller-Maguhn moved, with Mr. Kraaijenbrink's second, to amend clause [12e] to rewrite "the bottom-up policy development process" to read "a transparent bottom-up policy development process". A vote was taken, and the amendment was accepted 17-0-0.

Mr. Abril i Abril expressed his concern that the proposal places excessive weight on representative in the design of the ICANN structure as opposed to a diversity of voices that bring ideas from different parts of the community. He also noted that there is too great a tendency to promote symmetry in the process, such as between quite different supporting organizations. He also expressed concerns about the large size of the Board and the proposal for a Nominating Committee. Mr. Cohen also expressed concern over the tendency these aspects might have to promote "horse-trading" and "gridlock" in the ICANN process.

A vote was then taken on the resolutions as amended:

Whereas, Stuart Lynn's "President's Report: The Case for Reform," thoughtfully laid out the need for constructive change in ICANN structure and processes, and initiated a very productive dialog throughout the ICANN community;

Whereas, the Board accepted the President's Report as a timely and important call to action, and then established a Board Evolution and Reform Committee (ERC) to manage the process of receiving and evaluating community input on these and related issues;

Whereas, the ERC has since undertaken an intense process of outreach, consultation, and analysis of suggestions from throughout the community on how ICANN's structure and processes can be reformed to improve its effectiveness while preserving its essential character as an open and transparent non-governmental policy development body;

Whereas, the ERC established various mechanisms for receipt of input from the ICANN community and the global public interested in these issues, received and considered a very large number of comments and suggestions related to these issues, and periodically published Working Papers on ICANN Mission and Core Values, ICANN Structure and the Nominating Committee Concept, and the ICANN Policy Development Process, along with other documents identifying possible alternative solutions to the identified issues and seeking further community input on increasingly specific and detailed proposals for reform;

Whereas, the ERC most recently published its Blueprint for Reform, summarizing its work to date and making specific recommendations for Board action that would create a roadmap for moving forward in the reform process;

Whereas, the ERC Blueprint offers specific recommendations with respect to a statement of ICANN's Mission and Core Values, its organization and structure, the composition and selection of its Board, improvements in ICANN's policy development process, various measures to improve accountability of ICANN's structures and procedures, and the need for funding adequate to carry out ICANN's mission;

Whereas, the public participation of the audience and Board members in the open forum of the ICANN Board that took place during its meeting in Bucharest, Romania, on 27 June 2002, provided additional input and feedback on the proposals contained in the Blueprint;

Whereas, it is now time to move forward with implementation with confidence that while the Blueprint may not satisfy everyone, it provides the right foundation on which ICANN can build for the future;

Therefore, it is resolved [02.75] that the Board adopts and endorses the ERC Blueprint for Reform, and the broad outlines of ICANN structural and procedural reform that it contains;

Further resolved [02.76] that the ERC is directed to oversee further detailed implementation and transition work based on the Blueprint for Reform, with the continued involvement and participation of the ICANN community, to report to the Board at its next telephonic meeting as to its progress and schedule, and to provide its implementation recommendations to the Board and the community sufficiently prior to the Shanghai meeting so that the Board can take action at that meeting;

Further resolved [02.77] that the President is directed to provide all appropriate assistance and resources to the ERC and any transition teams or mechanisms that it creates to assist it in the transition process;

Further resolved [02.78] that the Board takes note of the importance to the community, as expressed throughout this reform process and in the Public Forum discussion at the Bucharest meeting, of the following issues, and instructs the ERC to take due account of these issues as it moves forward in the implementation process, namely, the need to:

  • devise and incorporate specific measures to ensure, to the extent feasible, geographic and cultural diversity in all parts of ICANN structure, which have been key core values of ICANN since its inception, and remain so today, as expressed in the ERC Blueprint for Reform;
  • consider the creation of an At Large Advisory Committee as a potential vehicle for informed participation in ICANN by the broad user community;
  • ensure that the composition and operation of the Nominating Committee in fact represents a balance among all segments of the Internet community;
  • collaborate with critical infrastructure providers and the technical community to further the establishment of effective working relationships; and
  • ensure that ICANN's policy development processes enhance and promote a transparent bottom-up process.

Further resolved [02.79] that any further opportunities for strengthening ICANN's capacity to fulfill its mission that develop or are identified during the implementation process should be carefully reviewed and utilized as appropriate;

Further resolved [02.80] that the Board takes note of all the many different viewpoints that have characterized a very constructive dialog since the President issued his Report, and extends its deep appreciation to all the many members of the ICANN community that cared enough about ICANN to participate in an extraordinarily thoughtful and serious undertaking. The Board notes with deep gratitude all the countless hours of volunteer time selflessly devoted to this process.

The resolutions were adopted by a 17-0-0 vote.

Approval of 2002-2003 Budget

Dr. Lynn then presented the proposed 2002-2003 budget. Dr. Lynn noted that the proposed budget had been developed in a very open and transparent process, with considerable participation. He alerted the Board that the proposed budget did not include any provision for what may come out of the reform process, such as funding for an Ombudsman or Manager of Public Participation. A budget modification may be needed in the future to support those activities if they are included in the reforms that are ultimately adopted.

Dr. Lynn moved, with Mr. Kraaijenbrink's second, that the Board adopt the following resolutions:

Whereas, ICANN's bylaws require that the President shall prepare and submit to the Board a proposed annual budget of the Corporation for the next fiscal year;

Whereas, the President, with the endorsement of the Finance Committee and with the assistance of the Budget Advisory Group, has followed an open and consultative process in developing the budget, including posting of a preliminary budget on 30 March 2002, posting of a proposed budget on 15 May 2002, submission of on-line comments, and a budget presentation and discussion at the ICANN Public Forum in Bucharest on 27 June 2002;

Whereas, the Board has carefully considered the comments received;

Whereas, the President has submitted to the Board a proposed prepared through that consultative process for FY02-03, commencing 1 July 2002 (the "Proposed Budget");

Whereas, the Board has reviewed the Proposed Budget and has found that its adoption is in the best interests of the Corporation;

Resolved [02.81] that the Proposed Budget is hereby adopted as the annual budget of the Corporation for the fiscal year beginning 1 July 2002 (as adopted, the "Budget"); and

Further resolved [02.82] that the President is authorized and directed to implement and carry out the Budget and is directed to inform the Board of material variances from the Budget.

The resolutions were adopted 16-0-1, with Mr. Mueller-Maguhn abstaining.

Redemption Grace Period

Dr. Lynn moved, with Dr. Pisanty's second, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, ICANN resolution 02.45 authorized the convening of a technical steering group to develop a concrete proposal for implementation of a Redemption Grace Period for deleted domain names;

Whereas, the Technical Steering Group's Implementation Proposal was posted on the ICANN website on 7 June 2002;

Whereas, the proposal called for implementing a Redemption Grace Period by instituting an extended Delete Pending Period and a new Restore capability, which will be a new Registry Service for which registry operators will be able to charge a cost-based service fee;

Whereas, the Redemption Grace Period proposal was discussed and received broad community support at the ICANN Public Forum held 27 June 2002 in Bucharest, Romania;

Resolved [02.83] that the President and General Counsel are authorized to conduct negotiations on behalf of ICANN toward appropriate revisions to agreements between ICANN and the unsponsored TLD registry operators to implement the Redemption Grace Period in a manner consistent with the Technical Steering Group's Implementation Proposal.

A discussion followed. Mr. Mueller-Maguhn suggested that there be something similar for the ccTLDs. Mr. Kraaijenbrink noted that many of the ccTLD registries have already implemented a redemption grace period. Mr. Touton noted that the language of the resolution contemplates that the agreements that are negotiated will come back to the Board for final approval.

The resolution was adopted 17-0-0.

Wait-Listing Service Proposal

Dr. Cerf noted the next item relates to VeriSign's wait-listing service (WLS) proposal. Dr. Lynn moved, with Dr. Blokzijl's second, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, on 21 March 2002 VeriSign, Inc., the operator of the .com and .net registries, requested amendments to the registry agreements for those top-level domains to allow it to conduct a twelve-month trial of a proposed wait-listing service (WLS) to be offered through accredited registrars for an annual fee;

Whereas, in resolution 02.53 the Board requested the Names Council to coordinate within the DNSO a comprehensive review of issues concerning the deletion of domain names and possible solutions for those issues and to submit to the Board a status report on that review, with the status report to include any recommendations concerning VeriSign's request to modify the .com and .net agreements to allow it to provide the WLS;

Whereas, the DNSO's Transfers Task Force presented to the Board a status report giving preliminary findings and recommendations on WLS, but requiring additional analysis and discussion within the DNSO before the report is finalized;

Whereas, as contemplated by resolution 02.55 ICANN has received various public comments on the WLS on a web-based public comment forum;

Whereas, a Public Forum was held on 27 June 2002 at ICANN's meetings in Bucharest, during which VeriSign gave a presentation of the WLS in which it constructively proposed changes to accommodate concerns expressed in community comments; the DNSO Transfers Task Force summarized its preliminary findings and recommendations; and several members of the Internet community gave their views on WLS;

Whereas, the Board, although very anxious to ensure that action on VeriSign's request proceeds without unnecessary delay, believes that its consideration of the request would be assisted by receiving the final report of the DNSO's bottom-up consensus-development effort, including its views on the modifications recently proposed by VeriSign;

Resolved [02.84] that the Names Council is requested to provide, no later than 26 July 2002, its final recommendations, with its supporting rationale and any separate positions of DNSO constituencies, on the VeriSign WLS request (including the modifications made on 27 June 2002), so that the Board may act shortly thereafter.

Mr. Mueller-Maguhn moved, with Dr. Schink's second, that the resolution be revised by adding the following text to the end of the resolution clause: ", on the condition that the redemption grace period is in place for the gTLDs here affected." Dr. Lynn spoke in opposition to the proposed amendment, pointing out that it would delay the Board's ability to consider acting on the WLS for many months. Dr. Lynn suggested that the condition contemplated by Mr. Mueller-Maguhn should be considered at the time of consideration of any approval. Mr. Abril i Abril and Mr. Chapin supported Dr. Lynn's comment. The amendment failed by a 1-16-0 vote.

Dr. Blokzijl voiced his opinion that, in the interest of creating an easy marketplace, the Board should not go through the process of rewriting contracts when a registry wants to introduce a new service such as the WLS. Mr. Abril i Abril expressed his view that ICANN has a responsibility to the Internet community regarding core services that relate to the DNS.

Dr. Schink pointed out a potential problem with competition among the registrars. He expressed concern about whether the protocol between the registrars and the registries is open enough and publicly available to support the WLS and he asked that the DNSO specifically check the availability of open standards that would allow all the registrars to offer the same service without any competitive distortion.

A vote was taken on the resolution. It was adopted 16-0-1, with Mr. Mueller-Maguhn abstaining.

.org Application Fees Rebates

Dr. Lynn gave a presentation regarding rebates of .org application fees. Now that it is known that eleven applications were submitted, it is possible to assess what the final application fee should be. Each of the applicants paid a US$35,000 tentative application fee. Based on his review of ICANN's likely fixed and variable costs, Dr. Lynn recommended that the final application fee be set at US$29,000, with US$6,000 being refunded to each applicant.

Dr. Lynn moved, with Dr. Wilson's second, that the Board adopt the following proposed resolution:

Whereas, the Board of Directors at its 22 April 2002 meeting established a tentative examination fee of US$35,000 in connection with proposals for transfer of the .org registry;

Whereas, the Board stated that it would finally establish the examination fee, not to exceed US$35,000, at its Bucharest meeting with rebates to be made if the final examination fee is less than the tentative examination fee;

Whereas, the President has analyzed the financial costs in relation to the revenues actually received, and concluded that the final examination fee could be set at US$29,000 and still recover anticipated costs;

Whereas, this final examination fee and the revenues derived therefrom would not provide for any potential litigation costs;

Resolved [02.85] that the Board establishes the final examination fee to be US$29,000 and instructs the President to rebate the US$6,000 per applicant.

The resolution was adopted by a 17-0-0 vote.

Executive Search Committee

Dr. Cerf noted that Dr. Lynn had indicated his intention to step down as ICANN's CEO in March 2003. Accordingly, the Board must find a replacement. Dr. Cerf moved, with Mr. Kraaijenbrink's second, that the Board adopt the following resolutions:

Resolved [02.86] that there be, and there hereby is, effective immediately, established an advisory committee to be named the "Executive Search Committee," responsible for overseeing the search for a Chief Executive Officer and other officers as appropriate;

Further resolved [02.87] that Vinton Cerf be, and hereby is, appointed chair of the Executive Search Committee, and that Rob Blokzijl, Ivan Moura Campos, Masanobu Katoh, Nii Quaynor, and Linda Wilson be, and hereby are, appointed members of the Executive Search Committee.

The resolution was adopted by a 17-0-0 vote.

The Board then recessed for a break.

IDN Committee

The Board reconvened and Dr. Cerf noted that the next topic on the agenda was the IDN Committee. He called on Mr. Katoh, who moved, with Mr. Cohen's second, that the Board adopt the following resolutions:

Whereas, the ICANN Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Committee has completed work on a set of policy papers relating to the potential introduction of non-ASCII characters to the DNS, including most recently its discussion papers on Non-ASCII Top-Level Domain Policy Issues and Registry Selection Considerations for Non-ASCII Top-Level Domains;

Whereas the IDN Committee has submitted to the Board a Final Report on its activities, meeting its anticipated deadline of 30 June 2002;

Whereas the IDN Committee's documents have generated and benefited from significant substantive feedback from various interested organizations, experts, and users;

Whereas the Board has begun consideration of the substance and implications of the IDN Committee's papers and final report, but is not yet prepared to determine its next steps in this area;

It is resolved that the Board conveys its sincere thanks to the members of the ICANN IDN Committee for their diligent work and valuable contributions: Masanobu Katoh (Chair), Mouhamet Diop, Patrik Faltstrom, Qiheng Hu, John Klensin, Sang-Hyon Kyong, Stuart Lynn, Elisabeth Porteneuve, Mohd Sharil Tarmizi, and Vincent Wen-Sung Chen; and

Further resolved that the Board asks the members of the IDN Committee to delay the Committee's formal termination until the conclusion of the October ICANN meeting in Shanghai, so that the committee can continue to monitor developments in the IETF, review further community feedback on its discussion papers and Final Report, and be available to advise the Board as needed in the area of internationalized domain names.

In subsequent discussion, Dr. Lynn acknowledged that he was a formal member of the Committee but he noted that Mr. McLaughlin did all of the work as a committee member and he asked that his name be substituted. He also acknowledged staff support from David Thompson. By consensus, the resolution was modified to acknowledge the contributions of Mr. McLaughlin and Mr. Thompson by adding the phrase "and thanks Andrew McLaughlin and David Thompson for their staff support" to the end of the first resolution clause.

Whereas, the ICANN Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Committee has completed work on a set of policy papers relating to the potential introduction of non-ASCII characters to the DNS, including most recently its discussion papers on Non-ASCII Top-Level Domain Policy Issues and Registry Selection Considerations for Non-ASCII Top-Level Domains;

Whereas the IDN Committee has submitted to the Board a Final Report on its activities, meeting its anticipated deadline of 30 June 2002;

Whereas the IDN Committee's documents have generated and benefited from significant substantive feedback from various interested organizations, experts, and users;

Whereas the Board has begun consideration of the substance and implications of the IDN Committee's papers and final report, but is not yet prepared to determine its next steps in this area;

It is resolved [02.88] that the Board conveys its sincere thanks to the members of the ICANN IDN Committee for their diligent work and valuable contributions: Masanobu Katoh (Chair), Mouhamet Diop, Patrik Faltstrom, Qiheng Hu, John Klensin, Sang-Hyon Kyong, Stuart Lynn, Elisabeth Porteneuve, Mohd Sharil Tarmizi, and Vincent Wen-Sung Chen; and thanks Andrew McLaughlin and David Thompson for their staff support; and

Further resolved [02.89] that the Board asks the members of the IDN Committee to delay the Committee's formal termination until the conclusion of the October ICANN meeting in Shanghai, so that the committee can continue to monitor developments in the IETF, review further community feedback on its discussion papers and Final Report, and be available to advise the Board as needed in the area of internationalized domain names.

The resolutions, as revised, were adopted by a 17-0-0 vote.

ICANN Meetings in 2003

Mr. Cohen gave the Board an update on the status of the Meetings Committee's plans for future Board meetings. He reported that the Meetings Committee met with Dr. Lynn and Diane Schroeder. He said that new specifications for meetings would be posted on the ICANN website. He announced that the rotation and number of meetings for 2003 had been set. Within a week the Committee would be calling for proposals for a meeting in South America in the first quarter of the year, and North America in the second quarter. He said the Committee hoped to reach decisions as to these two meetings meetings by September 2002. He noted that Brazil and Canada, respectively, had expressed interest in hosting the 2003 meetings. He also announced that the third region in the rotation is Africa and they would take proposals for a late-year meeting to be hosted there. He said they hope to receive bids from Africa by early October 2002, with a decision to be made at the Shanghai meeting. He noted that Cape Town had expressed strong interest in hosting the meeting in Africa. Mr. Cohen noted the desire of the Meetings Committee to start choosing meetings at least a year in advance to enable better planning, but he noted a delay in planning for 2004 because the Committee did not wish to preempt the results of the Evolution and Reform Committee. He suggested that the format for meetings and the number of meetings be reconsidered in the coming months. He said he hoped that decisions on such matters would be made by the next meeting in Shanghai or shortly thereafter, whereupon the Meetings Committee would call for proposals for the 2004 meetings.

Dr. Cerf endorsed the idea of reviewing the meeting structure to allow for more rational times for interaction of the Board.

Peter de Blanc

Dr. Cerf moved, with Dr. Wilson's second, that the Board adopt the following resolution, which he read aloud, regarding Peter de Blanc:


The ICANN Board notes with deep sadness the recent passing of Peter de Blanc, who was an active and constructive participant in the ICANN process in many roles, including as a member of the ccTLD constituency and as a representative of that constituency on the DNSO Names Council. Peter's service to the Internet community was longstanding, particularly his commitment to bringing the benefits of the Internet to new areas including his faithful service as administrative contact for the .vi ccTLD. Peter will be greatly missed as a citizen of the Internet, as a colleague, and as a valued friend.

Resolved [02.90] that the ICANN Board recognizes the testament to Peter's service as noted in the 28 June letter from the ccTLD managers;

Further resolved [02.91] that the Board joins with the ccTLD managers in formally recognizing Peter's many outstanding contributions to ICANN;

Further resolved [02.92] that the Board expresses its deep sympathies and condolences to Peter's family.

Mr. Cerf then called upon Elisabeth Porteneuve to read aloud the letter mentioned above, dated 28 June 2002, that was sent to the ccTLD managers. Ms. Porteneuve read the letter aloud.

The resolution was adopted by a 17-0-0 vote. The Board members and audience then stood and observed a moment of silence dedicated to Mr. de Blanc.

Thanks to Hosts, Sponsors, and Staff

Dr. Cerf moved, with Mr. Kraaijenbrink's second, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, the preparation for and execution of the ICANN Bucharest meeting has been conducted in an exemplary fashion;

Whereas, the hospitality, facilities, attention to the needs of the participants, and extraordinary efforts to provide support have been without peer;

Now therefore [02.93]:

The ICANN Board expresses its deep appreciation and thanks, on its own behalf and on behalf of all participants to the local hosts and organizers, most particularly the support and hard work of Minister of Communications and Information Technology Dan Nica, Professor Doina Banciu (General Manager of ICI Bucharest), Dr. Ing. Eugenie Staicut (Head of RNC Department-ICI Bucharest), Victor Ciuperca (ICI Bucharest), and the following ICI Bucharest staff who made the Bucharest meeting such an outstanding success: Christian Mitu, Dan Mihalcea, Florentina Onea, Dan Paraschiv, Mircea Cornea, Cristian Haja, Andrei Petrescu, Florin Mihalache, Adrian Belmega, Ion Dumitrascu, Ion Manea, Olga Olaru, Diana Petrescu, Cristian Radulescu, Mihaela Moholea, Madalina Zamfir, Ani Neacsu, Dragos Vlad, Andrei Niculescu, Irina Stoltz, Raluca Andrei, Alina Pruna, and Karina Berceanu.

The Board would also like to thank Connex, the main sponsor of the meeting, for its generous support, and in particular, the work of Alexandru Hurdubaie, Manager of Data, and their staff: Lucian Lupascu, Liviu Neaga, Dragos Dobre, Adrian Ciobanu, Alina Iordan, Cristian Duta, Florentin Mirea, George Popescu, Fadi Rida, Florin Druzian, Oana Fodoran. The contribution of Flamingo, the second main sponsor, is also deeply appreciated, and especially the assistance of its staff members: Ion Dinescu, Alexandru Carlan, Elena Barbu, Carmen Olteanu, Andreea Constantinescu, Adrian Cretescu, Liviu Popescu, and Mihai Jinga.

Additional sponsors whose support for the ICANN meeting is greatly appreciated include CENTR, Afilias Global Registry, The Global Name Registry, NeuStar, ANISP (National Association of Internet Service Providers from Romania), Cisco Romania, ccTLD Constituency Secretariat, UltraDNS, Oracle AG Romania, Ericsson, CPI, Intrarom, HP Romania, Software ITC, ATIC, PCNet Data Network, MCD Infonet, RomTeamSolutions, Xerox Romania, Computerland, and Shark Industries. We would also like to acknowledge the hard work of the staff of the Marriott Grand Hotel; the hotel proved an exceptional and hospitable location for the ICANN meeting.

In addition, the Board expresses its great appreciation to John Crain, Diane Schroeder, Theresa Swinehart, Mary Hewitt, Dan Halloran, Herbert Vitzthum; Joel Jaeggli; Johnny Erikkson; Laura Brewer; and Terri Darrenougue and the rest of the ICANN staff for their dedicated efforts in ensuring the smooth operation of the meeting.

The resolution was adopted by a 17-0-0 vote.

Thanks to Andrew McLaughlin

Dr. Cerf moved, with Dr. Kyong's second, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, Andrew McLaughlin has faithfully served the Corporation early 1999 as a consultant, as an employee, as Chief Policy Officer, as Treasurer, and, most recently, as Vice President and Chief Policy Officer;

Whereas, as of 1 July 2002, he will be resigning as Vice President and Chief Policy Officer, and will become a halftime employee;

Whereas, he will return to the Berkman Center at Harvard University to resume his academic career;

Whereas, the Board wishes to take note of his extraordinary contributions to ICANN over the years; and

Whereas, the Board is grateful for his willingness to continue part-time as an ICANN employee to facilitate an orderly transition;

Resolved [02.94] that the Board deeply appreciates Andrew McLaughlin's dedication to ICANN over the years of his association, looks forward to a continuing collegial relationship over the coming months and beyond, and wishes him all the best on his return to academe and in the future.

The resolution was adopted by a 17-0-0 vote, whereupon Mr. McLaughlin received a standing ovation.

Thanks to Karen Rose

Dr. Cerf moved, with numerous seconds, that the Board adopt the following resolution:

Whereas, Karen Rose will shortly leave her position with the United States Department of Commerce. Karen has been one of the unsung heroes of the evolution of the Internet community's processes for coordinating the assignment of key technical parameters, including the domain names. She was instrumental in the organization of the global discussions that led to the issuance of the Green and White Papers. She has been a tireless supporter of community's efforts to implement the concepts of the White Paper, including the establishment and recognition of ICANN and the introduction of competition in domain-name registration services. Throughout this time she has been a vital ambassador among the many and diverse constituencies whose cooperation has been essential to ICANN's development as a global, private-sector, consensus-creation body, and most impressively, she has done it with grace and good humor in frequently highly contentious circumstances.

Therefore [02.95] the ICANN Board, on behalf of the worldwide Internet community, expresses the deepest appreciation and respect for the critical contributions of Karen Rose to ICANN and to the concept of global private-sector coordination of the assignment of the Internet's technical parameters.

The resolution was adopted by a 17-0-0 vote, to the applause of the audience.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 08:16 UTC (11:16 am local time).

Louis Touton