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Board Global Relationships Committee (BGRC) Minutes 4 December 2010

Committee Attendees:  Peter Dengate Thrush – Chair; George Sadowsky; Vanda Scartezini; Jean-Jacques Subrenat; and Kuo-Wei Wu

Apologies:  Katim Touray

Other Board member Attendees:  Steve Crocker and Rod Beckstrom – President and CEO

Guest Attendees:  Board members to be seated on 10 December 2010 -  Sebastien Bachollet, Cherine Chalaby and Bertrand de La Chapelle

Staff Attendees:  Akram Atallah – Chief Operating Officer; Elise Gerich – VP, IANA; Jamie Hedlund – VP, Government Affairs, Americas; John Jeffrey – General Counsel and Secretary; Diane Schroeder and Amy Stathos

The following is a summary of discussions, actions taken and actions identified:

  1. Minutes - Reviewed and approved minutes from BGRC meeting held on 2 November 2010.

  2. IANA Functions Contract - Discussed contract implementation and renewal.

  3. IDN ccTLD Applications - Discussed process for considering applications and requirements for satisfying community support.

  4. Update on Global Relationships - Discussed budget implications relating to strategy decisions in relation to strategic planning beginning in January.

  5. Discussion of signing MOUs:  The committee discussed developing criteria and guidelines for signing an MOU:  (i) what would make the organization be a good MOU partner; (ii) what should the MOU achieve; and (iii) what are the conditions for the MOU.  Committee determined that if it developed criteria, staff could proceed with signing MOU’s without Board level review, unless staff determines the Board should review.

    Action:  CEO to alert BGRC and Board on MOUs currently in process.

  6. Global Relationship Inventory – Formalize Strategic Process – Discussed approach for organizing and managing relationships regionally and generally agreed that this is a successful approach, although there are other options.  The BGRC also discussed the need to prioritize approach to relationships.

    Action:  Over the next several meetings, the BGRC will receive briefings from the GP team on the relevant global and regional strategies.

  7. Global Partnerships Staffing – CEO gave presentation on status and process for search for VP of Global Partnerships, but noted that others are fulfilling the responsibilities during the search.

  8. Global Relationship Budget – Discussion of budget and whether more funding will be required for fiscal year 2010.

    Action:  CEO and COO to develop plan for a committee in order to inform budget for FY12.