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Public Comment: Bylaws Revisions re: Committees

9 December 2008

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At its 7 November 2008 Board meeting in Cairo the ICANN Board determined that in the best interests of ICANN, the Conflicts of Interest Committee and the Reconsideration Committee should be dissolved and the responsibilities of those committees should be transferred to the Board Governance Committee.

Specifically, the Board resolved as follows:

Whereas, the Board has spent considerable time over several meetings discussing the existing slate of Board committees.

Whereas, the Board has determined that in the best interests of ICANN, some of its existing Board committees should be dissolved, responsibilities for those committees should be transferred to other existing Board committees, and some new Board committees should be established.

Whereas, the changes to the structure of Board committees will require some revisions to the Bylaws.

Resolved (2008.11.07.17), the Board establishes the following new Board committees: (i) the IANA Committee; (ii) the Public Participation Committee; (ii) the Risk Committee; and (iv) the Structural Improvements Committee.

Resolved (2008.11.07.18), the periodic reviews of ICANN structures as set out in Article IV, Section 4 of the ICANN Bylaws and such other reviews as the Board shall determine shall be the responsibility of the Structural Improvements Committee.

Resolved (2008.11.07.18), staff is directed to draft proposed revisions to the ICANN Bylaws to designate the Board Governance Committee as responsible for Conflicts of Interest and Reconsideration Requests. Those revisions shall be posted for public comment.

Here are the proposed Bylaws revisions [PDF, 101K] as required pursuant to the above resolution.

Comments on the proposed bylaws revisions and changes to committees may be submitted to recon-bylaws-revision@icann.org and will be considered until 9 January 2009 23:59 UTC. Comments may be viewed at http://forum.icann.org/lists/recon-bylaws-revision/.